The “I am” clause

Bloggers definitely has no other way of sharing their thoughts than using the first person option.There are those with stories to tell.Techblogs,opinions and news tidbits.

Notice how chatters simply just have to print it,all at random.

“Of mice and men and madmen…”

“Coz were living in a world of fools,breaking us down…”

Cyberbullying,habits of the strong.

But always bear it in mind you are alone with your e

yes glued on the flash drive when a horrible rant,an inexplicable viral video suddenly appears before you In a flash. Cyberthuggies, will remind you of a tough life on the streets.You turn away from all those bloodshot eyes smelling alcohol and neighborhood toughies like those you see on films. You have the power of choice every time you open the net.Scroll down to your favorite app hangout and have a great day.

You read aboutaccounts being hacked,and probably experience it yourself,of loads that simply vani shed into thin air.Bad guys are everywhere.We are living now in desperate times.Syrian refugeecampsecamps,the Greek economic collapse,of gunmans running amuk in America.The world is not becoming a better place to live in.You are a unique creation of God.Each one of us.You and I.

Be Different

There are actually no rules covering writing except that make sure you got all the spelling correctly. Writing is a compulsion. Entering the third millennium in a global internet era, writing remains the all powerful medium that every freethinking,creative and analytical minds possess.

Blogs? Comments,networks,catalysts,proofreaders learners and more,the internet of tomorrow will still be dominated by brilliant minds.Bernie Sanders zoomed to meteoric heights because of his brilliance but whether he wins or lose will remain to be the next chapters of his life we have yet to read.That is one shining example of a walking library

Tech gurus? Choose your wild.Zig Ziglar becomes iconic overnight.Julian Assange life will forever be enshrined in the history of the internet as its one of its pillar foundation,Steve Jobs,Matt Mullenweg. History is creating another set of heroic figures.Maya Sartou.Nelson Mandela lived and died in our time.And the world have yet to begin narrating how this titanic African icon came to be in the world.

Write.Choose a subject.Be circumspect about it.Sprinkle it with subtopics.Keep adding topics in a brick like layering manner.

Distraction abounds in the world.Choose a quiet place.And I’m not expecting to read samples of a classical John Steinbeck in the making.Just add a few more sentences.

Style and substance.


Theme,topic.Add a picture.Is it from the paleolithic age.Pride and prejudice.Allow the habit to grow.

Transforming a dramatic sequence into Pdf.?

WordPress is too technical. And so is Wikipedia and so is Apple and we are all bundled on Facebook like a ghetto neighborhood.Facebook wasn’t big at first and now the world can be seen and felt inside it.

For free.Teaching is a noble profession and so is fb msg.

In a new day

When days are neither typically another run-of-the-mill internet day,my level of gut-feeling and enthusiasm seems eroding,dampened. So I took on another bold step of opening up a new leaf in my life.

I keep trying to find a reason,look for any unlatched or knotted jams that needs fixing,create a new webpage and keep tumbling up and down to generate some attention.

Some blog posts are simply Inhabited by spiders or you. get to meet your sturdy friendly vendor everyday that keeps recruiting. for new members in what seemed like another Greek tragicomedy in the making.Not creative enough but as industrious as an ant. And how to reanimate what seemed like doomed Trolleyheads,doomed from the start.

Faith is a hard evidence implant. Doubt is when you lose it.

Forgiveness is the other seed implant inside of you.

Gods blessings abounds.It encompasses the whole of humanity.

Cause and effects

From writers of every persuasion, Fromm TVs movies and vehicles of social artform and spellings that has put me to an endless shame for the nth time_simplicity is never the norm for writing.But most are really wary of extremes and the worldwideweb is really more for short topics,discretion tongueincheek kind of materias.The silver screen his really the home of storytellers and probably there is. more weight in the viral videos and fire breathing dragons in the net